Products of the feeding, drink and medicine, which follows to avoid when receiving inhibitor MAO

The Following products of the feeding, drink and medicine follows to avoid when receiving inhibitor MAO and during fortnight after their cancelling:

Meat and fish

Meat prepared with preservative
Meat extracts
Smoked or pickled fish
Govyazhiya or chicken liver
Dry sausages, salami

Vegetables and fruits

Canned dates
Pod broad bob
Bananas and avocado (particularly overripe)

Milk products

Cheese and cheese containing products such as cheese cookie and pizza (are permitted pressed pot cheese and cream cheeses)
Yogurt and sour cream


Beer, red wine and other alcoholic drink


Soya sauce
Yeast extract (including beer yeast in greater amount)
Overweening amount of chocolate and caffeine
Not fresh, bad or long kept, a second time processed protein products such as meat, fish and milk products

Medicinal facilities

Tablets or mixtures from cold, hay fever or sinusitis
Remedies for head cold (tablets, dripped or aerosols)
Ingalyacionnye remedy for asthmas
Facilities for reduction of the appetite
Drugs, including cocaine